Virginia DCJS Security Officer Practice Exam 2024 - Free Security Officer Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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“The Best Evidence Rule” refers to the best evidence available such as an original document over a copy


The Best Evidence Rule is a common law principle that states the best evidence available to prove a fact is the original document. This means that a copy of a document, such as a photocopy or a digital scan, is not considered as reliable or valuable as the original document. Therefore, the best evidence available would be the original document over a copy of it. This principle is based on the belief that the closer a piece of evidence is to the actual event, the more reliable and accurate it is. This also helps prevent potential alterations or tampering of the evidence. Therefore, choosing Option A, "True," is the most accurate answer as it aligns with the concept of the Best Evidence Rule. Option B, "False," is incorrect because the principle is indeed true and has been widely accepted in the legal system.



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